Chewbacca nugget #19

In 1998, Chewbacca sued a confectionery company for usage of the name “Chewie” on a make of chewing gum. The case lasted three years, the result of which was Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.

Chewbacca Fact No. 18

Before the Emporer shoots lighting, he has to notify Chewbacca becuase he likes to watch people who are in pain.

Chewbacca Fact Number 17

Chewbacca does not need a star ship to attack an enemy fighter. He simply propels himself using the sheer power of his Wookiee roar and punches through the shields of the enemy ship with his bare hands.

Chewie Fun Fact Number Sixteen

Chewie’s favourite band is the Animals and his preferred method of transport is the van from Dumb and Dumber (pictured above).

Chewie Fact No. 15

Chewbacca’s bow caster is actually his modified hair groomer, which is why it sometimes fires poisonous hair balls.

Chewbacca fact No. 14

Chewbacca is the mutant offspring of a mop and Cousin It from the Addams Family. He has a picture of them in his bedroom, where he also has a poster of Bigfoot.

Chewie Fact No. 13

If the power of one Chewbacca Wookiee howl was harnessed, it could power the planet Courscant for 46 minutes.

Chewie Fact No. 12

When a Wookiee mother named her child Chewbacca, the baby transformed into a Wookiee who was smaller and walked on all fours. This was how the dog was created, every time a Wookiee child was named Chewbacca because there can only be one Chewbacca.

Chewie Facts Returns

After a couple of months, Chewbacca Facts have returned! Along with a small drawing of Chewie by me!

Chewie Fact No. 11

The scene in Star Wars: A New Hope where the princess calls Chewbacca a “walking carpet” was edited before the movie was released. In the original scene, Chewbacca tears the princess in half after he is insulted. The scene was edited by the editors, who later died from mysterious bowcaster incidents.